Logic order flow features unique and easy-to-use graphical options, one-click presets and configurations, a profile, footer, and databox for a complete market analysis. It guarantees the best visualization of patterns and zones, making this tool one of the best options on the market.
Unable to find your best strategy? Automation? Click here for a free 30-minute call. SET UP helps you to build your automated strategy in order to improve it on own. Book your free appointment now.
The OM Indicator gives buy and sell signals at the potential markup/down level of the price. Trade confidently with multiple-timeframe analysis. It can also be used for scalping. Never miss your entries with audio alerts. Get your free trial today and bring precision to your trading!
Die TrendTechnik® ist ein neuer eigenständiger und in sich geschlossener Fachbereich. Mit trendtechnischen Methoden werden Tradern sowie Analysten besondere Situationen sichtbar und nutzbar, die vielen Anderen verborgen bleiben. Erfahre mehr und nutze die deutlich besseren Möglichkeiten und Chancen.
This model balances four separate risk lenses that seek to generate alpha while moderating standard deviation over multi-year periods. Each risk lens is independently applied based on Alpha Vee's breakthrough fundamental momentum research. Equities are from small/mid cap universes.
The BuySide Global Auto Trader is a state of the art automated trading system monitoring software recognition of Institutional Buy and Sell programs. The system is universal and will work in any liquid market and many timeframes. Learn more!
The TrendContinuation indicator identifies and alerts the trader of high probability continuation trades in the direction of the major trend. Using a time tested algorithm for determining possible low risk entries, this indicator marks the location and can notify the trader via email or text.
Fully-automated. The VMX selects a time of day to trade during the cash session for stock index futures. This system takes advantage of the volatility created by big institutions moving asset allocations in the equity markets. All positions closed before the end of the cash session.
Fully customizable platform-integrated Trading Performance Toolkit that includes daily session preparation and mindset window, trade evaluation window, trader break reminder window, journal, emotional pattern and habit tracker, daily score card and performance stats window, account risk management.
Trading OrderFlow delivers your ideas: your imagined automated strategy, semi-automated strategy or custom indicator. Turn your concept into an elegant solution adapted to your trading style and needs. Contact them about your development project for specialized service and expertise!
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