The TWC Semi-Auto Algo is a trading algorithm designed to calculate a ratio between buyers and sellers in the stock market. This type of algorithm is often used by traders to make informed decisions on when to enter the market.
Increase your trading confidence by scheduling your one-on-one performance coaching and mentoring session with one of our seasoned and experienced traders. Beginner, intermediate or advanced topics can be discussed with our Certified Mental Performance Coaches.
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Every download will receive a 14-day Free Trial of the app on either Android or Iphone. You will be able to test the technology, analysis, trading signals and everything else at no cost. See how Forex Trading Unlocked can enhance your forex and futures trading. Gain trading consistency!
Strong momentum cannot be maintained! Traders will always exit their position at a certain level, which causes price to pullback or retrace. Measuring strong momentum can help the trader to anticipate the eventual exhaustion. An award winning "heads-up display" indicator from The Intentional Trader!
We offer programming services for users of NinjaTrader. Our expert IT professionals will be glad to work on your most ambitious projects. We specialize in programming strategies based on Order Flow, Market Profile and VWAP to automate trading as a mechanical system.
In the rapidly evolving landscape of the stock market, traditional trading strategies and indicators often fall short in the face of complex and volatile market conditions. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) steps in, revolutionizing the way investors approach trading.
The Key Levels Confluence Indicator calculates various daily levels and combines them into powerful zones where price action is likely to respond in the future. Daily levels include the Open, High, Low and Close (OHLC) of past days, Fibonacci Levels, Whole Numbers, Current Day Levels and Pivots.
EOB or End Of Bar is an amazing close-bar order tool that is nowhere else to be found. This amazing add-on works with any bar types. Let EOB Ordering play the tough game for you, as it was designed to reduce the ordering time to just a few milliseconds.
Volume Ladder allows traders to display bar intrinsic, tick level volume and bid-ask information in neat and clean format. Various visual customizations are available to suit a variety of uses. This is an essential tool for order flow analysis, and market/volume profile structure traders.
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Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
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Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
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NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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