Optimal Filter is a truly unique moving average. It auto-adapts its lookback period for the best responsiveness. It has opening gap filtering technology and is colored, not by slope, but by overall market direction. Strategy compatible.
The TrendContinuation indicator identifies and alerts the trader of high probability continuation trades in the direction of the major trend. Using a time tested algorithm for determining possible low risk entries, this indicator marks the location and can notify the trader via email or text.
RTMC MNTrader is a fully automated trading system. Trading is based on Renko strategy using an exponential moving average. Filtering system based on the MACD and TMA Slope indicators. It has an improved position support system with flexible settings that will improve trading consistency.
Sigmalab offers quantitative analysis-based technologies and services to analyze trading logics, operative patterns and trading systems. Learn more!
The Hawkeye Professional Package includes all Hawkeye tools for volume spread analysis, on multiple time-frames across all markets. These powerful indicators tell traders when a trend is commencing, in congestion and where to find the correct exit. Buy Now using code: “NT10Off” for a 10% discount.
This automated trading strategy is designed for the Russell 2000 futures market. The strategy is easy to use, making it suitable for both experienced traders and beginners. Find out more on www.russell2000strategy.com.
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Do you want to know the trading setups we use? Create your own profile FREE on our website and you’ll have access to our course videos where we explain each of our patterns. Gain the knowledge to access our EPyF Trading Room and learn our way of understanding the market.
This indicator plots signals, targets, and stops based on support and resistance from various moving average types. The trend is established based on a minimum number of bars above or below the moving average. The signal is initiated on the first touch of the moving average.
This innovative tool from candlestick guru, Steve Nison, instantly finds his favorite candle patterns on charts. The Nison Candle Scanner works on all asset classes. Traders save hours of research time, spotting candlestick pattern opportunities immediately. Choose a monthly or lifetime purchase!
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
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Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
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NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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