The BG BLUE CHIP clearly & accurately tells you when to enter a trade with a blue dot, and when to exit a trade with a blue horizontal line. It is that simple. The BG BLUE CHIP is one of the most popular indicators and is trusted by thousands of traders worldwide.
Traderistic helps to get rid of fear in trading by looking for signs of fear that can impact a trader’s performance. This tool live-monitors the biggest muscle in the body, the heart. Traders can develop a new level of awareness to increase control and serenity, making trading an enjoyable exercise.
Build a foundation for technical and fundamental analysis. Prioritize tools, learn proprietary calculation and information management through strategies universal in application. Includes Daily Briefing, Evening Chartbook & Market Recap, plus Sunday Evening Review. ES, Oil, Gold 10 yr. Note, NQ.
SpeculatorSeth's elite indicators use order flow and level 2 to give day traders and scalpers greater insight into current market conditions and market maker positioning. Includes spread charts to follow the yield curve and a synthetic dollar index.
Track volume profile in three timescales easily! Optimal Vision analyses point of control and value area breakouts in three rolling lookback periods of your choice and color-codes your bars by strength of signal. A simple way to bring dynamic volume profile to your trading! Strategy compatible.
You can draw the risk/reward roulette tool at any point on a candlestick chart simply by clicking on the chart with the middle mouse button. This indicator allows you to speed up the drawing of the risk/reward tool on the chart by times, expanding on the functions of the trading platform.
Futures Analytica's PolarityATI leverages market microstructure and order flow imbalances for automated trading. It features a dynamic machine learning module, offering traders a sophisticated and adaptable tool for market engagement, while eliminating any subjectivity in setup and configuration.
This algo-based buy sell NQ strategy customized number of traders per day.
Serge Berger’s TST Trender indicator is designed to provide buy/sell signals at near-term turning points in stocks, ETFs, and futures. At its core, it uses a moving average crossover strategy with specific moving averages that have proven to work best on the daily charts (for swing trading).
Everything you need to know about consistent trading video tutorial course. This course covers the following: How to use the Metatrader4 trading app, market Analysis (Fundamentals & Technicals), risk management, trading psychology (trading plan, journal, management, goal, etc.)
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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