Kase StatWare indicators are self-optimizing, and dynamically adjust to market volatility across multiple bar lengths. StatWare’s momentum based indicators identify trend direction and strength, precise entry and exit points, and optimal stop levels to control risk. Take a free 30-day trial today!
The BWT Precision Autotrader is a state of the art trading tool/software that automates most of the tasks of manual trading, like trail stops, daily goals, entries and profit targets. It uses a universal directional algorithm that brings accuracy, discipline, risk & money management to your trading.
TradeDevils Indicators offers unique indicators for NinjaTrader 8. Regardless of whether you are a scalper, a trend follower or a breakout trader, they can provide you with the right indicators to assist with your trading.
Simplify your trading & save monitor real-estate with the TradeFinder Market Analyzer Add-On. This tool drills-down to dissect & monitor multiple markets, timeframes & instruments to spot trends, momentum & price action in real time, complete with pop-up, email & audible alerts! Learn how!
Our trend indicator was designed to offer an easier way to look at candlesticks on a trading chart. It uses a Heiken Ashi formula to improve the visualization of trends & aims to help spot trading opportunities more easily. Its visual approach provides a better picture of the trend. Get it today.
Enhance your trading with our point and click Anchored VWAP indicator for NinjaTrader 8. Built as an indicator, not a drawing tool. Features unique point-and-click anchor setting with hotkeys, 3 customizable deviation bands, and 8 VWAP calculation methods. Start your free trial today!
Sentifi's crypto sentiment analytics detect sentiment shifts in real time from over 500 million tweets and 2 million news and blog articles published worldwide every day. Sentifi mines this vast pool of data for investment insights to inform how market momentum is shifting ahead of price movements.
Learn to trade using a proven righthand trade method by trading two hours a day. 20 hour-long face-to-face sessions. Sessions are captured on video for repeat viewing. Includes candle patterns, harmonics, geometry and an intro to forecasting.
The TIS_Supertrend Indicator is a tool designed to trade volatile markets. The indicator produces 2 types of signals, a trend change arrow each time a trend line is broken and a pullback entry subsequent to the trend change. Download the TIS_SuperTrend today!
Open-source code can be developed. If you want, you can add different strategies on it. Lifetime free updates. Take-profit at three, five or seven ticks, stop-loss at 13 ticks. Change the take-profit and stop-loss settings.
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Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
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Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
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NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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