GoNoGo Charts® incorporates multiple widely tested and commonly used technical indicators into proprietary trend and momentum models for a complete technical perspective without cluttering your charts. GoNoGo Trend® is a model that includes tools like multiple period moving averages and more.
Wizdough offers custom programming including custom indicators, strategies, backtesting and alerting. Contact us to get a free consultation.
Watch price action at daily support and resistance levels in real time! Use the hourly open and EMA 20 as dynamic support and resistance. Detect reversals, trend attempts and breakout setups on the first three bars of the day. Get started with a free 30-day trial now!
The algorithm executes trades based on previously designed and projected levels from previous day to the next, providing a clear and predictable market structure and the trade it will be able to perform.
The ATR Stop is a simple but powerful tool to help the trader stay in a position longer and with greater confidence. Employs a proprietary “filter” to eliminate “false positives.” PTG ATR Stop Indicator is your confidence builder. Ask about PTG's Auto-Trade Assistant (ATA) Strategy.
A comprehensive indicator suite for order flow and volume analysis. MarketProfile charts show the bigger picture, BookFlow visually displays the real time and historical order book and Footprint charts reveal the aggressive side of the market. Trade room access and a 14-day free trial are included.
The Trading Room Package is what IndicatorSmart uses in their trading rooms to get the most out of the market (highly recommended). Leases are also available for trading room members.
The Builder Blocks NinjaTrader courses will provide a good foundation in NinjaScript programming. Learn to create your own indicators and automated strategies. Recorded lessons permit you to work at your own pace. Let us help you start your NinjaScript programming.
This model balances four separate risk lenses that seek to generate alpha while moderating standard deviation over multi-year periods. Each risk lens is independently applied based on Alpha Vee's breakthrough fundamental momentum research. Equities are from small/mid cap universes.
The ELITE Pack includes 44 in-depth Volume Profile training videos, 15 hours of video content and hundreds of real trade examples. Get intraday & swing Volume Profile levels, signals & video! It also includes access to the member forum and custom-built Volume Profile indicators for NinjaTrader 8.
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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