Momentum indicators work best when indicating an overbought or oversold condition within a trend. Expect a reversal back in the direction of the trend when IAMomentum reaches an extreme level while IATrend is alerting followers of that trend. Together, these two indicators highlight price reversals.
Moore Tech, LLC has over 15 years of experience working with TradeStation, and have converted hundreds of indicators and strategies to be compatible with NinjaTrader. Contact them today to receive a free estimate for having your code converted from EasyLanguage to NinjaScript.
The Samri Math Diamond Grid is a drawing tool which is applied by drawing a square on a chart. The tool then automatically displays graphic elements which are based on calculations from the methodologies of Gann & Murrey.
The MPace indicator shows the Velocity (speed) of the tape. It allows users to see the speed at which bids are being hit, and the speed at which offers are being lifted.
This indicator will calculate for you in multi timeframe: 4 EMA MTF + 4 “SunjoKu” MTF, the famous indicator invented by Joël Mathieu the boss of Intrad. Since version 1.5: A summary table of the status of the different TimeFrames has been included.
Forex Trading Unlocked Online Trading Mentoring provides focused consulting to suit each individual trader’s needs. Forex, futures, stocks, options, and binary options traders can all benefit. Your trading will be placed under a microscope to help eliminate what is holding you back.
LizardTrader provides automated strategy programming and consulting services utilizing SharkIndicaors Bloodhound and BlackBird add-ons for Ninjatrader. Contact LizardTrader today for a quote or consulting sessions today!
CrudeAwakening is an intraday CL system that trades on the 15-minute chart. It is a short only strategy.
The LogikVolumeX utilizes signal processing and price reconstruction techniques to cut through the noise, reconstructing the true transaction, minimizing the hiding of large orders. This allows traders to identify & react to the market sentiment, and correlation between price & volume development.
Scalper Ticket was made to facilitate and improve the performance of scalping operations by gaining speed in quantity changes at the bid/ask levels. It shows the first book line, position average price and the PnL with commissions cost. A perfect match to use in conjunction with the SuperDOM.
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Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
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Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
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NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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