Confirm trend direction with this unique & proprietary indicator. It can be combined with any trading strategy to provide extra confirmation & is ideal for validating your open trades. It works out-of-the-box with no parametrization needed & detects Up and Down trends.
This tool and indicator helps you spot trigger entries with such features as one 4-range and one 14-range data series chart and one indicator. It's a simple, clean and very effective price-retrace system. Follow EdsRetracePlan to learn exactly when and where to buy or sell on price retraces.
PureMO & ScalpMO: The ultimate combo for momentum and scalping mastery. Track momentum, dominate scalping. Two cutting-edge tools in one package, built to transform your trading. Try it free for 7 days and see the difference!
State-of-the-art NinjaTrader Bot and optimization models for futures retail traders. Designed for retail traders: This program is designed for retail traders seeking consistency on real accounts.
The only things traders can truly control are stop management and position sizing. Risk Manager works with any system or collection of indicators. It also provides the means for you to launch ATM strategy templates for better money management. Maintain great trade management with every trade!
We know how it feels to have your emotions overcome your logic the moment you enter a trade. That's why we, with 15 years in software automation and day trading, created a powerful bot for ourselves... and for you! Package includes 13 custom indicators and strategies. Download your free trial today!
The ZMA™ is the most adaptable and customizable moving average indicator to date. By using an algorithm that incorporates the concepts of inertia, energy, and responsiveness, the ZMA is infinitely flexible and significantly more effective than other moving averages available.
Session Pivots are a well known trading technique to calculate intraday support and resistance points. Because of its simplicity and efficiency, it is still a very reliable method for determining key support and resistance levels.
A site that hosts a unique platform in Italy that offers you Live Market, Operational Book, Market Ideas, Analysis, Training in just one click. Trading Room LIVE, Operating Log, daily markets watch, tools, tutorial, essential course included, free webinar for subscribed.
A simple 3-point system consisting of renko bars and two turning point trend indicators. The system is designed to enter trades late yet see positions through and avoid early exits. Includes fully automated strategy and indicator package. Free 30 day trials are available!
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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