The HolyGrail Algo uses calculations of the Hull Exponential Moving Average to identify market direction. A long or short condition is printed on the chart showing the potential direction an instrument may move. HolyGrail mainly uses it for indices, but it works with any market and any timeframe.
Use the Tape? Time & Sales can be hard to follow; however, this indicator boils it down to an easy to read histogram. Easily see the bid & ask trades, above ask & below bid trades, BigLot trades, the delta bid/ask ratio and much more. Learn more about the BigLotHistogram indicator now!
ADX trading system detecting price direction as well as trend strength.
Elevate your trading strategy with the DR/iDR Indicator for NinjaTrader: Your essential tool for identifying key price levels. This advanced indicator displays both the Daily Range and the Implied Daily Range directly on your trading charts, providing crucial insights.
The Relative Volume indicator identifies high/low volume bars by comparing current volume against the average volume over the same period during the preceding days/weeks.
The Wave indicator is similar to an Elliot Wave with an added capability to forecast a possible market reversal. It has convenient features including the ability to number waves to help identify trend direction.
The purpose of this indicator is to automatically plot critical support and resistance levels on a chart. The Critical Support & Resistance Level Indicator comes with customizable alerts and can be added as a Market Analyzer column.
TradingCoders offers custom indicator and automated trading strategy programming services. TradingCoders possesses intimate knowledge of trading and NinjaTrader, and builds projects ranging from simple alerts and visuals, to sophisticated multi-timeframe techniques of price and cycle analysis.
This is an intensive one-week course that by the end of the week will have you making confident trading decisions on various asset classes. If you have an inner trader we will find it. This course also includes a free trading challenge to qualify for a funded trading account.
This indicator for NinjaTrader 8 draws automated lines based on support and resistance levels. Over time, they at Live Scalp Review had noticed support and resistance interactions and patterns - which led to the development of this indicator.
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