The Exhaustion Absorption Detector, which is based on live time and sales data, is designed to display order activity between the bid and offers at market price.
View strategy performance results calculated outside of the NinjaTrader platform. The Strategy Performance tool uses a CPU process separate from NinjaTrader to extract a detailed trade performance summary from Market Replay, Live or Simulated Trading.
Don't miss any more targets by a few ticks with Target Zone!
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Visualize the market like never before. The VAPMap (Volume At Price Map) displays the total volume traded at each price and time, using a color spectrum from red (lowest) to blue (highest). The background lines show the total historical traded volume for every price level. Click for a free trial.
The Tradesight Plus Mentorship is a six-month training program that teaches traders everything they need to know about stocks, futures, options, and Forex. It includes hours of recorded material, plus private mentoring sessions, trade blotter reviews weekly, and access to a live Trading Lab.
tcVwap is an indicator for monthly, weekly and daily VWAP calculation. VWAP is an indicator representing fair price of a financial instrument. This is the Volume Weighted Average Price. The VWAP mean price is often used by institutional traders as a reference.
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itcFootprint is an indicator for Order Flow and footprint. It displays data from the tape as footprint bars and also provides a statistic panel with powerful tools like delta analysis, divergence, volume structure, and unfinished business (bar by bar).
Use our Auto-Swing Pattern Finder to help find potential market patterns! Swing Pattern Trading is a methodology that utilizes the recognition of specific price patterns and the alignment of exact Fibonacci ratios to determine probable reversal points in the financial markets.
March 25, 2024
Trading Pullbacks and Reversals: Simplifying a Once Complex Retail Trading Strategy
March 21, 2024
VWAP Indicator: Average Price Shown Based on Price, Volume
March 18, 2024
Trade Copier Strategies: Make Efficiency Work for You When Futures Trading
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