Momentum indicators work best when indicating an overbought or oversold condition within a trend. Expect a reversal back in the direction of the trend when IAMomentum reaches an extreme level while IATrend is alerting followers of that trend. Together, these two indicators highlight price reversals.
Automated trading tool designed to execute any futures contract based on a combination of predetermined settings and user-defined parameters. It aims to provide high-quality and statistically improved trade entries. One can use these strategies for day trading, and/or scalping intraday price moves.
Trading coach with volume and price indicators.
Choose from an assortment of indicators with enhancements not found anywhere else. (Digital Clock, Bar Timer, Divergence, Price Channel, Current Bar Range). Get free trials of these unique indicators now!
Elevate your market analysis with advanced features. This tool offers automatic reference lines, alternate volume figures and various displays like TPO profiles and volume at price. It integrates Jim Dalton studies and provides detailed reports on weak references and volume distribution.
Unlock the power of divergence in demand index with this simple to use translation of the interpretations of 20 different variants all combined in one. Often finds the exact peak of the day or week or month in real time. Newly released to join the other version on here. Works in any time frame.
Bold Bot is a strategy for NQ which will analyze the product for long trades.
The MAutoFloorCeiling indicator is the culmination of over 2 years of research to determine support / resistance levels automatically. The heart of it utilizes a powerful algorithm based on Wyckoffian concepts of waves, volume, and price levels to gain insight on potential entry points.
The E-widget is a suite of tools like a Swiss Army knife, offering customizable analytical solutions for traders. Use E-mini Wizard preset templates for Fibonacci levels, support & resistance, risk:reward ideas, regression trades, or build your own. E-widget is designed to work on all markets.
With a potential of 1 trade per day, this system is automated from start to finish & designed to be monitored in some capacity. If you can remotely access a computer with the right software, then you can monitor these automated trades from the golf course (with a strong cell signal).
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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