Breakout Mode Patterns from Brooks Price Action methodology.
You can now calculate your recommended trade position size for stocks based on the current market volatility and your risk appetite, in real time. Once you input the “RiskPerTrade” amount, It displays the number of shares in your market analyzer column. Get this powerful risk management tool!
The Line Break Bar is one of the most effective ways to reduce chart noise. It provides accurate back-testing results by showing the correct open prices and restoring the wicks. Easily recognize divergence & price action patterns & eliminate noise from traditional minute charts. Get started today!
Trying to change line types and colors requires opening the properties box. It's also tricky to set a line or ray to be exactly horizontal. This toolbar contains various tools to help with those frequent property changes. It will even move your object endpoint to the chart's end.
The Tradelytics platform enables investors, wealth managers and analysts to emulate and execute portfolio management with the live market data for both simulated and live portfolios. The portfolio is measured for risk and reward. Users anywhere can record fundamental and technical analyses.
PureMO & ScalpMO: The ultimate combo for momentum and scalping mastery. Track momentum, dominate scalping. Two cutting-edge tools in one package, built to transform your trading. Try it free for 7 days and see the difference!
ZoneTraderPro features unique support and resistance zones to match known market trading patterns along with intuitive real time tools to identify trade entries and exits. Nothing ever disappears from a ZoneTraderPro chart so you can create and test trading strategies.
This Indicator is a sophisticated tool designed to help traders identify and capitalize on bullish and bearish market trends. By combining Simple Moving Averages (SMA) and engulfing pattern detection, this indicator provides clear and actionable signals for entering and exiting trades.
By subscribing to our Indicator Spotlight traders get a free monthly download from the LizardIndicators indicator library. All indicator features are documented with an explanation on how the indicator can be used in a trading strategy. Sign up today!
Are you using Renko/range/tick/volume bars? Optimal Tempo shows you the high/low/close of time-period bars overlaid on your chart. Choose any time period you wish. See five-minute bar levels overlaid on a Renko chart! No need to watch other charts. Strategy compatible.
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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