The Tradelytics platform enables investors, wealth managers and analysts to emulate and execute portfolio management with the live market data for both simulated and live portfolios. The portfolio is measured for risk and reward. Users anywhere can record fundamental and technical analyses.
The ZigZag indicator is primarily used to identify significant highs and lows in the price chart, which helps traders filter out market noise and focus on important price movements.
The world’s first self-optimizing SuperTrend indicator. It uses spearhead third-generation scanning to identify actionable signals. Performance metrics like profit factor and number of winners are displayed on the chart to determine potential results.
With a potential of 1 trade per day, this system is automated from start to finish & designed to be monitored in some capacity. If you can remotely access a computer with the right software, then you can monitor these automated trades from the golf course (with a strong cell signal).
DiNapoli Levels are a combination of leading and lagging indicators providing predefined entry levels, reasonably tight stops, and precalculated profit targets. This package includes the Auto Fibonacci Retracement tool, proprietary Oscillator Predictor and all new MACD Predictor with video demos.
On this YouTube channel, discover complete demonstrations to master NinjaTrader, price action, technical indicators, money management, and Japanese candlesticks. Improve your trading skills with practical tutorials and advanced strategies.
Why use a Murrey Math indicator that calculates only once or hourly instead of by the rules? MMlinesProPlus can do that. Traders also see where the lines recalculated and shifted. In Historical Mode, see the lines where they actually were at various times. It includes adjustable frame size and more.
The program combines TradingTotal traditional technical analysis methodology with the latest technology automated systems & tools. It is carried out through intense online/onsite live seminars & webinars, 'EduHome' video recorded seminars, supportive coaching and a unique individual mentor program.
Deceptively simple, Orderflow Speed allows you to monitor market speed and enables you to view trading activity directly from your chart. It supports the Tick Replay feature so that you can visualize historical trading activity.
This indicator allows the user to create custom text buttons and quickly draw them on the chart, increasing application functionality and user charting efficiency.
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Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
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Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
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NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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