The Cycle Trend was developed as a way to evaluate trends with as little lag as possible compared to more conventional indicators such as the ADX or MACD. The idea behind this is that the price action and the shapes of the bars relative to each other is more accurate at defining the mood.
SpeculatorSeth's elite indicators use order flow and level 2 to give day traders and scalpers greater insight into current market conditions and market maker positioning. Includes spread charts to follow the yield curve and a synthetic dollar index.
This tool uses price action, trend and momentum to identify price zones (TrapZones) and price bars (TrapBars) where traders can get trapped in the market. Trade good setups while avoiding bad trades e.g. FOMO, catching a falling knife, or fighting the trend, using automated technical analysis!
Trailing Stops move with the price action, not a lagging indicator. The indicator was designed for traders to use and to have no hassles of calculating your stop losses. The software does it automatically; never second guess the trend again. Can be used to lock in and protect your profits.
Defines the opening ranges of major markets, gold and oil pit opens, and major data points. The range has a cloud which automatically changes color depending on the market bias and continues until the open the next day. This allows for multiple entries of breakouts throughout the following 24 hours.
Volume Ladder allows traders to display bar intrinsic, tick level volume and bid-ask information in neat and clean format. Various visual customizations are available to suit a variety of uses. This is an essential tool for order flow analysis, and market/volume profile structure traders.
Classic MA MNTrader is a fully automated trading system. Trading is based on the moving averages indicator for two classic signals on our developed system of support positions with flexible settings. Suitable for all futures and Forex trading instruments.
Our MACD Colours is The Prestige Trading Software’s own interpretation of a classic indicator, the MACD. Our version uses a price-reactive color scheme for the elimination of doubt, with everything to the long side turning blue and everything to the short side turning red. Try it for free.
DTB Auto Fib Auto Trend automatically draws Fibonacci Levels & Trend Channel on the chart using Zigzag. Traders can adjust Fibonacci levels to chart margin as shown. By using this setting Fib Levels do not interfere with other indicators.
While similar to a Trailing Stop, this Ratcheting Stop script allows traders to set an initial Stop distance. You can also set how far the market needs to move before the ratchet gets activated, how far the Stop moves the first time and how far the Stop moves all subsequent times.
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Trading Pullbacks and Reversals: Simplifying a Once Complex Retail Trading Strategy
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VWAP Indicator: Average Price Shown Based on Price, Volume
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Trade Copier Strategies: Make Efficiency Work for You When Futures Trading
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