You can now calculate how liquid a symbol is based on its trading activity and filter out risky instruments. A higher no of trades a day would mean that the instrument is drawing attention. Start using this powerful screener tool in your market analyzer today!
Precision Volume Trading Completions Arrows helps traders determine if the market will move up or down.
Daily Levels plots important levels such as prior days open/high/low/mid/close, overnight high/low/mid, IB high/low and more! It also displays historical probabilities of price touching each level in regular and overnight sessions for the most popular futures products.
Use Statistics to determine intraday High Probability Targets and place stops outside of the regular market noise. This includes Stats on Initial Balance, Mid, Session & Extension ranges, as well as 1-minute rotations & many more! Available for ES, NQ, FDAX & FESX. Download your free report now!
The TIS_NBars_UpDown indicator paints signals of the "OpenClose Setup" on the chart. It detects bar color changes and includes multiple filters for fine-tuning. See a video demonstration of the Nbars indicator in action.
This indicator is designed to provide the trader with better trade locations by plotting visual support and resistance levels at swing points in the market. When multiple data series are used, the ATS VSR Levels can be plotted using the higher timeframe.
Think of an experienced trader’s brain as a blueprint for a trading algorithm. Then, add the desire to keep charts as clutter-free as possible. Nine decision points defines a 3* trade, 10 decision points makes it a 4* trade, 11 decision points for a 5* trade and 12 decision points for a 6* trade.
Larry Cheung’s investment community provides investment research regarding U.S and Chinese macroeconomics and company-specific fundamental analysis. He also uses technical analysis and order flow to best understand risk/reward for entries and exits across different timeframes.
In this course you will learn how to code add-ons for NinjaTrader 8. It consists of over 10 lectures on how to create custom windows, pass data from strategies into add-ons, create beautiful charts using 3rd party libraries and use statistics to find new ideas for building systems.
Maximize your trading prowess with the Dark Diamond Trend Sniper for NinjaTrader 8. Harness distinct buy/sell signals, real-time audio alerts and automatic support and resistance detection. Works with various bar types, including Orenko and Heikin Ashi. Try it free for 7 days.
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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