Utilizing pre-built indicators, the TrendFinder shows the probability of a market trend and price action continuation or termination, in real time. This Market Analyzer enhancement examines corresponding, short or long term and beginning or ending market trends with ease. Learn how!
The TIS_EMA_Trader Setup trades bounces over a user defined Exponential Moving Average, making it ideal for low volatility trending markets. The logic of this system can also be inverted for a unique trade setup.
The Spread Trading Tool add on for NinjaTrader 8 allows for charting a variety of spread combinations from 2 leg 1:1 ratio spreads to more advanced butterfly spreads. A control panel connected to the strategy allows for easy entry and management of spread trades.
Use our Auto-Swing Pattern Finder to help find potential market patterns! Swing Pattern Trading is a methodology that utilizes the recognition of specific price patterns and the alignment of exact Fibonacci ratios to determine probable reversal points in the financial markets.
This intelligent indicator will help you predict pullbacks and trend reversals. It uses an innovative form of volatility divergence which helps create consistency. In addition to smart signals and performance statistics, the Divergence Cloud also displays a unique glowing cloud on the chart.
The AVALON Strategy is a relaxed long-term End-of-Day (EOD) trading strategy for the Futures Market. It requires minimal effort and is ideal for traders who like to take it easy and keep things as stress free as possible. Test the AVALON Performance now with the Online Backtester!
The EPyFToolbar provides the capacity to execute many commands with a single click, such as enable/disable Chart Trader, hide all indicators from your chart, hide past trades, hide drawing objects, and more. Simply load the toolbar in one chart window and it will appear in every tab.
Trend lines, swing pivots, and price patterns are simple price action trading tools that seasoned traders use daily. Day Trading With Price Action, by Galen Woods, is a high-quality trading course that teaches how to effectively trade via price action analysis. Download a free chapter today!
The Lucrum Vision Renko Bar reflects the actual price of the underlying instrument so you can be confident in its ability to accurately represent true price. Get accurate Renko charting for both live and backtested trading environments.
GAP/VWAP Fail is one of Scott's favorite stock setups that can be also applied to futures. A frequent & highly favorable risk-reward play that finds an additional edge by understanding order flow, watch Scott explain it in detail & demonstrate with multiple examples including entry & exit rules.
March 25, 2024
Trading Pullbacks and Reversals: Simplifying a Once Complex Retail Trading Strategy
March 21, 2024
VWAP Indicator: Average Price Shown Based on Price, Volume
March 18, 2024
Trade Copier Strategies: Make Efficiency Work for You When Futures Trading
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