This model balances four separate risk lenses that seek to generate alpha while moderating standard deviation over multi-year periods. Each risk lens is independently applied based on Alpha Vee's breakthrough fundamental momentum research. Equities are from small/mid cap universes.
The Bell Trend Analyzer provides directional bias for a trader and helps identify early trend formation. Bars are colored for quick trend identification with proper text annotations.
This is an introductory class that is perfect for beginners. It covers a multitude of topics including Technical Analysis and trading with custom indicators. Learn through one-on-one and group live zoom classes daily.
Trading123 Automatic Fibonacci Pivots draws the Fibonacci levels for you. No more second guessing as to where the price action is going. The Fibonacci levels move with the price action from one level to the next. Precise trading using price action for entries and exits at Fibonacci levels.'s Futures RAM Indicator is based on a powerful moving average pattern recognition algorithm developed with years of research and testing. Get started with a free 2-week trial today!
Trail a stop automatically behind a wide range of indicators: Price Action, ATR, Bollinger Band, Swing, Parabolic SAR, Donchian Channel, or 9 different Moving Averages. Trailing Stop Expert works on Futures, Forex or Stocks. Grab a 7-day free trial now!
Volume has gravity, and the market has a memory. See each bar's volume profile simply and clearly with the TC_BarProfiler. Look inside the bar to see where the action happened, and detect the important price levels. Free to download for NinjaTrader 7 & NinjaTrader 8!
Think of an experienced trader’s brain as a blueprint for a trading algorithm. Then, add the desire to keep charts as clutter-free as possible. Nine decision points defines a 3* trade, 10 decision points makes it a 4* trade, 11 decision points for a 5* trade and 12 decision points for a 6* trade.
Price Action Harvester™ scans all markets to find consistent price action patterns based on historical data. Know how price moved for any instrument on particular days, during particular time-frames. A powerful tool for day traders. Don't miss this indicator!
The Flow of fund(FOF) divergence signal indicator consists of the following parts: The Flow of fund histogram, FOF trend line, back test result in sub chart and divergence signal in main chart. The signal is instantly drawn on current bar and will not repaint.
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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