These are some free indicators that can help you gain an easier and more informed understanding of your trades. Risk calculator, easy entry, volume bar and trend indicators all may help you to avoid mistakes.
You can now calculate how liquid a symbol is based on its trading activity and filter out risky instruments. A higher no of trades a day would mean that the instrument is drawing attention. Start using this powerful screener tool in your market analyzer today!
The EPyFToolbar provides the capacity to execute many commands with a single click, such as enable/disable Chart Trader, hide all indicators from your chart, hide past trades, hide drawing objects, and more. Simply load the toolbar in one chart window and it will appear in every tab.
The MPace indicator shows the Velocity (speed) of the tape. It allows users to see the speed at which bids are being hit, and the speed at which offers are being lifted.
The AutoTrader 2023 system offers automated trading strategies, covering a broad range of trading risk profiles; indicators, backgrounds and a powerful money management module to protect profit and principal are also included. Lease includes training and support.
CB Information Panel gives you a snapshot of the buyers and sellers. Keep track of the prior day’s ranges and trend movement.
The Emet Trading Solutions team of experienced programmers specialize in converting existing indicators, strategies or code from cAlgo, MetaTrader, TradeStation & MultiCharts to NinjaTrader 7 or NinjaTrader 8. Get a free quote for your project today!
The iCinDER™ Cycles VF (Velocity Force) indicators allow for a quick validation of analysis, thus speeding up reaction time to market movement's bias. The analysis is based on velocity force of the instrument being analyzed.
Indicator package + Scalping strategy for NinjaTrader 8.
Peaks is a powerful market indicator meticulously designed to identify precise tops and bottoms of price movements. Using sophisticated analysis techniques it pinpoints potential reversal points in the market. Peaks empowers traders to optimize entries & exits, making trading decisions confidently.
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