SpeculatorSeth's elite indicators use order flow and level 2 to give day traders and scalpers greater insight into current market conditions and market maker positioning. Includes spread charts to follow the yield curve and a synthetic dollar index.
Quick Trade Ninja - Break Even Plus is designed to allow you to quickly move your ATM strategy stop loss to Break Even plus or minus a certain number of offset ticks. Quick Trade Ninja Break Even Plus quick action can be configured as a chart trader button, a hotkey or both.
GoNoGo Charts® incorporates multiple widely tested and commonly used technical indicators into proprietary trend and momentum models for a complete technical perspective without cluttering your charts. GoNoGo Trend® is a model that includes tools like multiple period moving averages and more.
This is an intensive one-week course that by the end of the week will have you making confident trading decisions on various asset classes. If you have an inner trader we will find it. This course also includes a free trading challenge to qualify for a funded trading account.
Hear, see and feel the market! A multi-sensory, audio-visual experience of reconstructed trades being executed at every moment. It uses high-performance audio processing technology and an uncluttered visual representation of each trade to give a sense of the pace and size hitting the tape.
The MBidAskOscillator separates volume into trades executed at the best bid price, and trades executed at the best ask price. This indicator gives traders insight into market action, because evidence of aggressive selling or buying is clearly represented.
The Pull Stack Super DOM column shows you changes in the order book. There are several modes to this indicator to help give you a nuanced view and find the state of the market at each price level.
The TrendLord indicator is a chart overlay indicator that can be used as a confirmation indicator. It is a derivative of a smoothed moving average but with the advantage of representing it as a colored change histogram. Click to learn more.
A leading market time indicator which analyzes thousands of historical intraday bars to predict market times. It provides insight to the times a move in the market traded is most likely to occur. Additionally, it projects the times and expected directions giving time based warnings and insights.
Utilizing pre-built indicators, the TrendFinder shows the probability of a market trend and price action continuation or termination, in real time. This Market Analyzer enhancement examines corresponding, short or long term and beginning or ending market trends with ease. Learn how!
March 25, 2024
Trading Pullbacks and Reversals: Simplifying a Once Complex Retail Trading Strategy
March 21, 2024
VWAP Indicator: Average Price Shown Based on Price, Volume
March 18, 2024
Trade Copier Strategies: Make Efficiency Work for You When Futures Trading
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