The HolyGrail Algo uses calculations of the Hull Exponential Moving Average to identify market direction. A long or short condition is printed on the chart showing the potential direction an instrument may move. HolyGrail mainly uses it for indices, but it works with any market and any timeframe.
The Viper Pro Ultimate Trading Room is open for the first two hours of each trading day - Monday through Friday. Each morning, literally hundreds of traders from all over the US and throughout the world actively participate in these live market trading sessions. Live trade calls are made on as many as nine futures instruments.
KingRenko$ is the real “face” of ninZaRenko. It has no artificial open and only real data, so you can see for sure the real OHLC of a KingRenko$ candle. As a result, KingRenko$ can be accurately backtested.
For a one-time payment of $300, our beginners forex course is unique for intending and struggling traders to build outstanding skills on forex basics. They'll learn technical, fundamental and sentimental analysis and receive one-on-one mentorship with close monitoring.
This model balances four separate risk lenses that seek to generate alpha while moderating standard deviation over multi-year periods. Each risk lens is independently applied based on Alpha Vee's breakthrough fundamental momentum research. Equities are from small/mid cap universes.
Mondia Trading shares his experience in the futures markets and Forex with his YouTube channel subscribers. He gives trading lessons to his students at the university.
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, which means “equilibrium chart at a glance,” is a trading system developed by Goichi Hosoda. This appropriately named system provides information about sentiment, momentum, and trend strength. It also includes quick summary on the chart!
A remarkable price channel, with a proprietary formula that is adaptive to market conditions and reveals dynamic support and resistance levels. TC_NovelChannel paints two colored bands which show a consistent tendency to provide support and resistance to price, for any instrument or time-frame.
OTM Delta Cumulative is a histogram displaying delta behavior, measuring buying or selling strength. It helps identify trend transitions and clear trends. The curve direction shows the pressure difference between buyers and sellers, aiding informed market decisions.
Mentor one to one what you'll find inside: 8 hours of live lectures, 4 hours of live backtest, community discord lifetime live weekly backtest, weekly live review, live archive, markup price action, lifetime updates on new concepts, private structure indicator.
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