Confirm trend direction with this unique & proprietary indicator. It can be combined with any trading strategy to provide extra confirmation & is ideal for validating your open trades. It works out-of-the-box with no parametrization needed & detects Up and Down trends.
This specific bot contains both the TTT Supertrend ATR and TTT Market Structure software. Having an automated bot allows the trader to set up specific parameters and the goal with automation. The bot will enter the trade and manage it on your behalf.
daVinci is a hands-free, short-term, mean reversion, auto-ex trading algorithm, recommended for day trading the world's most liquid traded markets. These include CFDs, Cryptocurrencies, ETFs, Equities, and Forex and Futures markets that are listed and traded on the various regulated exchanges.
Spot the calm before the storm for both breakouts and breakdowns with this ultimate volatility indicator! Spot bullish accumulation and consolidation points before strong upward breakouts and continued bullish trends. Find points of failing strength at plateaus and tops before drops.
Pattern MNTrader is a fully automated trading system. Trading is conducted based on trading patterns, support and resistance lines, Fibonacci lines and trend lines. This unique combination of tools creates an innovative system of support positions with flexible settings.
This intelligent indicator uses three different metrics to confirm trend strength so that you can plan your trades with greater confidence. It pinpoints precise moments to enter trades. 1-2-3 Strike! has innovative features like smart signals, performance statistics and attractive visuals.
An intraday, swing or long-term trend trading indicator package that can be traded on any timeframe. Long and short arrows are generated designating entry/exit points, and trailing stops are easily identifiable based on support and resistance levels. Learn more!
TWC Market Profile Info provides key points on the market profile that are constantly updated in real-time, including the high price of the day, value area high, volume Point of Control (POC), Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP), value area low, and the low price of the day.
The indicator illustrates volume delta for each bar, emphasizing the contrast between buy and sell volumes. With compatibility for historical and real-time data, it offers diverse display modes. Importantly, users can filter volumes to uncover distinctive behaviors among specific trader groups.
Toni Hansen’s most popular online trading course is now available as a boot camp! Originally developed by Toni in the late 90s, her straightforward trading methodology has withstood the test of time.
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