Momentum indicators work best when indicating an overbought or oversold condition within a trend. Expect a reversal back in the direction of the trend when IAMomentum reaches an extreme level while IATrend is alerting followers of that trend. Together, these two indicators highlight price reversals.
Identify market inefficiencies by marking fair value gaps (FVGs) on the chart that meet predefined size criteria. The indicator distinguishes between bullish and bearish gaps and changes their color once they are inversed. It provides clear visual cues for potential rejection trades from these gaps.
View stops and targets on your screen based on the ever-changing average true range.
On this YouTube channel, discover complete demonstrations to master NinjaTrader, price action, technical indicators, money management, and Japanese candlesticks. Improve your trading skills with practical tutorials and advanced strategies.
The Anchored VWAP package for NinjaTrader 8 includes the Anchored VWAP drawing tool and indicator. With one click, add a VWAP from any bar on your chart. Using the Anchored VWAP indicator, attach orders to the VWAP to automate your trade entry.
Quality: ✅ Created by Johnny, a developer and trader for his own trading. ✅ More than ten powerful signals clearly codified and documented. ✅ Automatic creation of algorithmic zones. ✅ Use possible even without knowing the footprint. ✅ No risk of the graph freezing due to the tickreplay mode.
The ZMA™ is the most adaptable and customizable moving average indicator to date. By using an algorithm that incorporates the concepts of inertia, energy, and responsiveness, the ZMA is infinitely flexible and significantly more effective than other moving averages available.
The Stock Index Trading Room is a product of Robbins World Cup Champion Trader Rob Mitchell. It has a unique Scientific approach with Trading Signals, Indicator applications using Market Profile, Price Action, Order Flow, Momentum, Order Flow Momentum, Support Resistance, Market Mapping and more.
Unlock the secrets to market mastery with this 100% free indicator combo. Designed to sharpen your trading and boost your consistency – all with zero cost. Benefit from this comprehensive training and achieve reliable results swiftly. No repaints, just unwavering accuracy!
The Signal Entry Orders indicator allows traders to click a button that initiates logic to submit orders immediately on the close of a bar, as soon as a signal occurs. This removes unnecessary stress and challenge when entering orders.
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Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
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