Kase StatWare indicators are self-optimizing, and dynamically adjust to market volatility across multiple bar lengths. StatWare’s momentum based indicators identify trend direction and strength, precise entry and exit points, and optimal stop levels to control risk. Take a free 30-day trial today!
Q-Scalper indicator identifies the confluence dynamics between Support and Resistance levels with significant Trendlines, providing very significant trade levels. These levels produce very actionable and valuable trade set-ups. Click the link to explore this great indicator.
State-of-the-art NinjaTrader Bot and optimization models for futures retail traders. Designed for retail traders: This program is designed for retail traders seeking consistency on real accounts.
We provide traders with an opportunity to earn live funding based on their trading performance in simulated accounts.
The Wave indicator is similar to an Elliot Wave with an added capability to forecast a possible market reversal. It has convenient features including the ability to number waves to help identify trend direction.
The iCinDER™ MF (Market Forces) includes all of the iCinDER™ family of indicators as part of a complete set. The analysis is based on internal market force of the instrument being analyzed. Learn more!
Object Trader is a comprehensive suite of trading tools aimed at simplifying the trading process. Traders choose from a variety of drawing tools, position the object in the desired location, adjust the trade parameters and Object Trader automates the trade management! Sign up for a free trial!
Classic MA MNTrader is a fully automated trading system. Trading is based on the moving averages indicator for two classic signals on our developed system of support positions with flexible settings. Suitable for all futures and Forex trading instruments.
Trade your own capital with consistency. Follow your own plan from day one. Develop and demonstrate your trading skills. Pass qualification to get a Master Account. Show results and get your first $10k withdrawal commission-free. Invest in yourself. It's time to catch a wave!
Order Flow is the study of tick-by-tick volume for trading Futures, Forex and Equities. The OFA toolset provides custom charts and advanced drag-and-drop profiling features designed to easily identify precision entries and targets. Get started with a free order flow training class today!
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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