The Portfolio Architect is a Smart Tool that allows you to analyze and optimize your investment and trading portfolio! Watch our helpful teaser and video online, and see our slick user interface! Import and combine strategies, balance them, and maximize them for optimum consistency.
Trading OrderFlow delivers your ideas: your imagined automated strategy, semi-automated strategy or custom indicator. Turn your concept into an elegant solution adapted to your trading style and needs. Contact them about your development project for specialized service and expertise!
The Median Convergence Divergence (MCD) is a derivative of the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD). The difference is the change in the use of the measure of central tendency. In MACD, moving average (mean) is used, whereas, in MCD, the median is used instead. Click to learn more.
The DTB Trading Lines indicator conveniently plots (1) Standard pivot points (2) Last 5 days highs, lows, and closes, (3) Todays open price (4) High and low of current day.
NinjaTrader 8 strategy unmanaged mode trade engine base foundation for futures, comprising of 4 bracket capacity, all in scale out - single entry position - multiple exits per trade operation, hybrid UI controls to allow semi/auto modes in trading the best of both worlds, open source with samples.
Specializes in developing add-ons, indicators and automatic strategies for the NinjaTrader trading platform. With these innovative solutions, they help traders enhance their trading strategies. DevNT is formed by traders and they use their experience in the market to help you to shape your solution.
KingRenko$ is the real “face” of ninZaRenko. It has no artificial open and only real data, so you can see for sure the real OHLC of a KingRenko$ candle. As a result, KingRenko$ can be accurately backtested.
This custom BloodHound template is setup for the UniRenko Bar and waits to trigger signals as the market pulls back into the moving averages. The JATS X-RE-X Blackbox BloodHound Template allows you to execute at the specific EMA entry locations after pullbacks.
The VWAP Pack includes a VWAP Indicator with current and previous levels, a Price to VWAP indicator to output the position of price, and a Market Analyzer template! With the Price to VWAP indicator, it is easy to monitor the position of price in relation to the current VWAP.
ICT's Fair Value Gap indicator retains a configurable number of gaps, and there's a setting to remove those that have been crossed by price. The style of the rectangle and the rays from the gaps are customizable by creating a template for a rectangle named "FVG Up Gap" (for the Up gaps).
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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