No subchart indicators or additional time frame charts are required to see when price becomes overbought or oversold. This helps the trader identify weakness in an uptrend or strength in a downtrend to anticipate a potential change in price direction. An award winning "heads-up display" indicator!
TradingView to NinjaTrader webhook. Automate your TradingView scripts directly into NinjaTrader. Webhook can use ngrok for free public facing domain or be used as a standalone locally for quicker execution. Extra features include custom password protection and IP whitelist for added security.
This is an intensive one-week course that by the end of the week will have you making confident trading decisions on various asset classes. If you have an inner trader we will find it. This course also includes a free trading challenge to qualify for a funded trading account.
The NinjaTrader Risk Manager is a personal trading assistant for your PC, designed to perform various automated tasks. These include setting alarms for account and trade activities, initiating account lock-outs, and alerting you when your account is at risk.'s Stocks RAM Indicator is a powerful tool based on years of research and testing that shows equities traders entry points with arrows when the right condition is met. Get started with a free 2-week trial today!
XABCD News puts news events on your chart so you're not surprised when news comes out. It works in any market and provides a visual marker for scheduled economic news for the current seven-day week, from Sunday to Sunday. Get your free copy today.
We provide an all-in-one fully-featured automated trading strategy ready to trade any market (Futures, Stocks, Forex). We deliver the utmost reliability and frequently release new features free of charge. Schedule your FREE demo today and see how our members have boosted their trading performances.
PureAlgo has developed a set of drawing tools to assist you with trading, including Anchored VWAP, Risk Reward PA and Horizontal Line. The package includes all of the tools and is priced at $10.
An ebook that explores my operational strategy in the financial markets, with a focus on technical analysis, operational management and practical techniques. The goal is to gain more awareness and master a style that would otherwise be more complex and require more time.
AMNTrader is a fully automated trading system. Trading is based on classical technical analysis with filtering such as volume, set of indicators and patterns. It is suitable for all futures and Forex trading instruments.
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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