Market Delta Volume Profile is designed to distinguish if buyers or sellers are in control & to see breakdown of volume in each bar. It’s used to identify price reversal areas and look into the price action of each Renko bar to view volume profile, price & monitor order flow.
E-Mini Tutor offers three 1 on 1 Day Trading Education options aimed at traders who are interested in understanding the markets. The Pivot based trading methodologies strive to forecast market moves before they occur empowering traders to work smart, not hard. Enroll today!
Take the guesswork out of trading waves with this set of indicators. You can now trade waves like a pro with this simple set of histograms. It will show you when a wave pattern starts and when it finishes. A great addition to any trend-following setup.
Moore Tech, LLC has over 15 years of experience working with TradeStation, and have converted hundreds of indicators and strategies to be compatible with NinjaTrader. Contact them today to receive a free estimate for having your code converted from EasyLanguage to NinjaScript.
The AVALON Strategy is a relaxed long-term End-of-Day (EOD) trading strategy for the Futures Market. It requires minimal effort and is ideal for traders who like to take it easy and keep things as stress free as possible. Test the AVALON Performance now with the Online Backtester!
Tacheon Warp is a leading time-based indicator which analyzes markets and projects predictive time-based signals on the right hand side of the chart. Buying and selling pressure signals appear in the future, alerting users to the possibility of moves that have a likelihood of occurring.
Automatic ATM Entry Assistant (AUTOBOT) can be used with our indicators and others using native Ninjatrader 8 Arrows or Triangles on the chart. Set up complex entry parameters without coding. Continue to our product page to see the 25-minute video of how it works.
edgeful breaks down market data into easy to read reports that instantly show you how any asset behaves, down to a specific weekday. They have all the breakdowns to tell traders when to size into a trade, when to size down, and even where to set your profit targets, based on the data, not opinions."
The Wave Software Package consists of three indicators: AomBBWaves- Breaks Chart into Bullish / Bearish Waves; aomSDZones - Draw Supply/Demand zones; and aomManualStrategy- Place Orders based on proprietary Signals. Complete system from analysis to order placement! Request a demo now!
Hawkeye Starter Package is an immensely powerful leading indicator that performs over 300 calculations per bar to analyze the price action and associated volume, signaling price movement prior to it happening. Buy the Hawkeye Starter Package now at its affordable low price!
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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