The GearCombo Module is designed to show you the correct tick speed to trade each market daily. Once the four time-frames have been generated by GearBox, GearChanger shows you which tick speed to trade at any specific point during the day. GearCombo includes GearBox and GearChanger for all markets.
The Relative Volume indicator identifies high/low volume bars by comparing current volume against the average volume over the same period during the preceding days/weeks.
You can now calculate your recommended trade position size for stocks based on the current market volatility and your risk appetite, in real time. Once you input the “RiskPerTrade” amount, It displays the number of shares in your market analyzer column. Get this powerful risk management tool!
Three unique day trading programs available! Start out with a bundle of indicators or get serious with your trading right away and start with a full suite of indicators, full training course and mentoring in the “Pro Trader” program. Compare courses to see which is best for you!
Your mindset can make or break your trading account. It's your mindset that determines whether you execute your trading plan or break your rules. Go Deep to Level Up Your Trading™ is the most comprehensive trading psychology course on the market. Join now.
If you're still guessing what tick speed to use as an intraday trader, stop now, and start using the Tickspeedometer. The indicator instantly reveals the correct tick chart setting for all instruments and timeframes throughout the trading session. So, stop guessing, & start trading with precision!
This is a YouTube channel, in which they share the precise models for smart money trading concepts. With the concepts, you can trade like the banks, by following their foot prints. With the models, you are able to see the specific footprints and in return trade like the institutions.
EPyFMomentumCandles is an indicator which helps to detect momentum. When a setup is confirmed by a momentum candle, we pay special attention as this is an important factor in our analysis. This indicator is also used to identify relevant areas during each session.
Activity Bars is a unique bar type for NinjaTrader which accounts for every single trading activity. Activity Bars establish both nature price action and trend. They work well in choppy markets by accumulating trading activities of ranges and zones, but also work for trending markets.
VWAP MNTrader strategy is a fully automated trading system. Trading is based on the VWAP indicator for the daily, weekly and monthly periods on the breakdown test strategy with a filtering system. It has an improved position support system with flexible settings to improve trading consistency.
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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