Utilizing pre-built indicators, the TrendFinder shows the probability of a market trend and price action continuation or termination, in real time. This Market Analyzer enhancement examines corresponding, short or long term and beginning or ending market trends with ease. Learn how!
Precision Volume Trading Centipede is an indicator that works with all of our PVT tools including a moving average showing divergence.
Securely access NinjaTrader desktop from any device, any location. Host your NinjaTrader desktop application on a VPS to improve the application’s accessibility, security and flexibility. Please mention NinjaTrader in your registration (problem) for advanced support.
Bars Edge Trader Button and OCO Timer pack for NinjaTrader 8. An easy fast solution to apply Limit Orders to your Chart Trader. Included are three timers for adding OCO Limits entries throughout the day to catch a news cycles semi-automatically.
GAP/VWAP Fail is one of Scott's favorite stock setups that can be also applied to futures. A frequent & highly favorable risk-reward play that finds an additional edge by understanding order flow, watch Scott explain it in detail & demonstrate with multiple examples including entry & exit rules.
The “opening range” is the range obtained from the highest and lowest price of a security during the first minutes of daily trading activity. The JATS Opening Range Indicator displays the OR and the current open of the RTH session for a defined time period, as well as the pre-session Globex.
The AuToTrader M is an automated system for highly active traders willing to conservatively trade high-volatility future instrument (CL, ES, YM, etc.)The system comes w/ BACKGROUND M to track positions, a powerful money management module to protect profit & principal.Lease includes training, support
Educational program that teaches a unique blend of order flow strategies and a few proprietary concepts in a CPD-certified program.
The Connors RSI2 strategy is a popular and well-known trading strategy developed by Larry Connors. It is designed to identify short-term overbought or oversold conditions in a market and exploit potential mean-reversion opportunities.
A complete course designed to teach you how to install NinjaTrader 8, how to install our templates and custom indicators, and how to day trade S&P Futures. Our method is similar to swing trading and scalping combined - but trades are only for the current day. Three-day money-back guarantee.
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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