By focusing on just a few candles, Rev^Out Scalping generates ultra-fast signals that are perfectly suited to scalping. Unlike other indicators that require a certain price range to detect trend or zone, Rev^Out Scalping operates like a miniature trading strategy.
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Ninja Mobile Trader VPS allows 24/7 access to NinjaTrader 7 and NinjaTrader 8 across all operating systems (Windows, Mac). Log in from anywhere in the world, any time, on any device (iPhone, Android, tablets, home computers). Start trading on Mobile today!
The E.G. Academy Program offers various educational services and tools; customers purchasing the E.G. Trigger Point (annual plan) enjoy the E.G. Futures Trading Course lifetime access for free, and a free trial for the E.G. Price Action Bot.
This NinjaTrader indicator is programmed to highlight the big money trades. The numbers are placed under each bar which makes it easy to see where the action/noise is taking place.
Ocean Theory considers all time frames simultaneously, and lets the market tell you which ones have the most significance, since that changes with time. Determine trend, pinpoint end of counter-trend moves for optimal entries, and apply natural moving averages. Sign up for a 30 day free trial!
Learn a battle-tested strategy for trading the markets in under 60 mins per day. Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll learn: How professional traders find good trades, how to read the markets and a market that has unique advantages over others.
This model tracks a universe of approximately 30 equities from industries related to green transportation. This includes suppliers and manufacturers of components, batteries, fuel cells, sensors, autonomous vehicles, power trains, etc. Contact Alpha Vee for more information.
Pinnacle Quant offers custom, confidential NinjaScript programming and consulting services. Our services are offered for serious traders, CTAs, and hedge funds. Take advantage of our 20+ years of development and trading expertise. One-on-one consulting is available.
The Zerolag HATEMA is based on a TEMA that uses Heikin-Ashi candles as input series. This indicator does not depend on the selected input series, as it uses open, high, low and close of each candle.
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Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
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