Intelligent AI uses a proprietary AIFS platform (Artificial Intelligence Forecast System). AIFS models are trained to learn the underlying structure of the market to forecast what may happen over the next six hours. Subscriptions also include access to Intelligent Trader's moderated Discord channel.
Get precious info to start your trading week! Focused 100% in E-mini S&P500 Futures and based in a mix of technical analysis with order flow tools, the newsletter presents possible trading scenarios for the week, highlighting important regions. Sign up now for FREE!
Join The BSG Live Trading Room Community. Trade live with a professional trader, trade by trade. The BSG Trade Room is a place where traders discuss and exchange ideas while learning and trading together. Join us everyday as you watch us trade live and view our proprietary software in action.
The Sigmalab team is specialized in financial software design and development. They offer custom trading system and indicator programming services and market analysis tools for the NinjaTrader platform.
Use the experience of a quantitative trading system professional to help design, test, improve or optimize your trading strategy. Get a complete system analysis to have the confidence that your strategy performs exactly how it was designed to.
TradeSafe is a Boolean-logic, rules-based mechanical day trading system that automatically determines strength of trend and optimum exit strategy and plays audible spoken alerts. Nearly 100% automated, it uses benchmarking for consistency. Watch replay:
The Stock Index Trading Room is a product of Robbins World Cup Champion Trader Rob Mitchell. It has a unique Scientific approach with Trading Signals, Indicator applications using Market Profile, Price Action, Order Flow, Momentum, Order Flow Momentum, Support Resistance, Market Mapping and more.
New "Ultimate A.I." indicator has it all: buy and sell signals, trend reversal signals, scalping signals, pullback alerts and stop loss placement lines. It’s multiple systems all in one. Learn more! Watch a demo tutorial by clicking the link! We also have a private chat group. Get a 5 day trial!
Education that includes beginner, candlestick analysis, how to place a trade, stair stepping, Fibonacci retracements, Fibonacci extensions and more.
You can draw the risk/reward roulette tool at any point on a candlestick chart simply by clicking on the chart with the middle mouse button. This indicator allows you to speed up the drawing of the risk/reward tool on the chart by times, expanding on the functions of the trading platform.
December 2, 2024
Mastering Sideways Markets With Auction Bars and Range Projections
November 19, 2024
Enhancing Your Automated Trading System: Key Insights from Best Pro Trade
November 14, 2024
NinjaTrader New Ecosystem Tools: October 2024 Edition
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