Preparing for “2020” – A Bear Market?

Date: January 09, 2020
Presenter: Steve Rhodes
Company: Mastering Probability
Learn how to buy bottoms and sell tops! Steve Rhodes, the 2018 market timer of the year as designated by the venerable Timer Digest, teaches the pattern that he uses to identify tops and bottoms for every instrument and every time frame.
This pattern has been present before the beginning of every DOW bear market for the last 130 years and its present at the moment, suggesting that 2020 could be the year of the “bear.” Steve also demonstrates another tool he uses to identify tops and bottoms.
The following topics are covered during the event:
- Learn the pattern that has been present before every DOW bear market in history
- See how this pattern is now emerging, suggesting a top in January 2020
- Discover where markets could be headed into late 2020, early 2021
- Understand the 5 step process of this pattern
- Find out how this pattern works for all instruments and all time frames
About Steve Rhodes
Steve Rhodes is the #1 Market Timer for the S&P 500 and Gold as rated by Timer Digest. He is also the author of the daily trading and investment newsletter service, Mastering Probability. Steve is master motivator and graduate of the Robbins Madanes Strategic Intervention program as well as Anthony Robbins Mastery University.
Steve hosts a daily radio/YouTube show, “The Traders Edge”, where he fields questions from callers and helps them manage existing trades as well as evaluates new trades.
His expertise has been consistently recognized by the media. In 2019 alone he was interviewed multiple times by Cheddar as well as CNN. He was also featured in Money Inc.